Friday 17th February to Sunday 19th February 2012

Friday 17th February

Had a relaxing day and packed up ready to hit the road tomorrow...

Saturday 18th February

Spent most of the day travelling once we set off, stopping on the way for morning coffee and lunch...

Not much to report on the road just wide open spaces...

Pulled into a Bush Camp at Peterborough for the night...very hot day... we waited till the sun went down and sat out side and enjoyed the silence... and the cool peaceful.

Sunday 19th February

This is what we woke up to this morning !!!!!!!!!! Beautiful sun rise...

 We headed out to Port Augusta today.. only 130 kms so a nice easy drive... I commented to John that the terrain had now changed and we saw a lot more trees etc... and lots of ploughed fields that stretched for miles... must have taken them days to plough it... and large homesteads scattered around...

I made a comment ...."well I guess we don't have to worry about emu's jumping in front of us anymore"...and no sooner had I said it we turned a corner on this windy road as we went through the Flinders Ranges and on the side of the road was mummy emu and 3 babies so close to us again... we were so afraid she would run the wrong way again in panic and run in front of us, I didnt have time to take a photo of the babies... awwwww they were just so cute !!!!!

So the motto is " Never think you have seen the last of the emu you never know when they will pop up out of no where"

Flinders Ranges

Arrived early afternoon at Port Augusta, we have decided to stay here for 5 days.

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