8th - 10th May 2012 Coral Bay

Travelled to Coral Bay today once again nothing but straight roads... road trains and roadkill ... we had to really dodge this one..

Oh and termite mounds.. huge ones...

Wow !!! I would like to live here... perfect little paradise... nothing here but a beautiful bay of crystal clear water... one little main street with 3 caravan parks on it... ours being on the beach front...which has a nice little cafe serving meals all day long and evening dinner at night..yummy food...only has the basic few shops.. and that's about it...It also has a Resort for travellers who don't have caravans etc...and that's open to the public too... We are only here for 3 days.. pity !! we tried to get more days but they are all booked out..and its like this all the time this time of the year.. everyone comes up from down south for the winter..

They are on bore water here and the area and the park have sprinklers on all day long to keep the grass area nice and green.. it was lovely..

 Having breakfast in little cafe

Main Street

They had a lookout at the top of a hill near the resort, we went to check out the magnificent views..

We did nothing here except relax on the beach for 3 days... awesome....

 John over doing the sunscreen on the lips hahaha

The water was very shallow for a long way... that's me waving !!

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