17th May 2012 Visiting the Gorges

While visiting with Bernadette and Peter they asked if we would like to spend the day with them today visiting the Gorges on the east side of Exmouth.

Heading out we first turned off too Shothole Canyon...The unsealed canyon road provided access into one of the  many spectacular gorges in Cape Range..... it was a lovely nine km drive into the heart of Cape Range driving through a steep canyon with walls either side, The sheer canyon walls exhibit colourful rock layers which gave me plenty of opportunities to use my camera ...finishing at a secluded picnic spot with a lookout.

After leaving there we drove out and turned onto the next road leading to Charles Knife Canyon... this time instead of driving through the gorge we drove on top of it...which gave us  awesome views back into the Charles Knife Canyon, the gorges and Exmouth Gulf.

We finished off in town and had a nice late lunch before once again saying our goodbyes...till we run into them again on the road somewhere...

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