3rd May 2012 Eagle Bluff

We went out for a drive to Eagle Bluff today... amazing views once again...Eagle Bluff takes its name from the osprey which nest just offshore on the Rock Island.

It features a spectacularly high cliff that overlooks the Denham Sound near Shark Bay. They have provided a boardwalk allowing you to see breathtaking views out across the water. In this area lives a large population of Dugongs, that feed off the sea grass.

Eagle Bluff once looked very different from what we see today. The ocean used to be up to 100 kms away and marine animals were nowhere to be seen.

If we were standing in the same spot some 18,000 years ago we would be looking at vast dry depressions covered by shrub land.

Much of the earth sea water was locked up in ice sheets and the sea level was over 100 metres lower than it is today. Following the end of the last ice age the sea rose rapidly, flooding much of Shark Bay and creating the many islands we see today.

View of the surrounding area of Eagle Bluff

Eagle Island is an important nesting site for coastal birds such as pied cormorants, silver gulls and rock parrots and of course the eagle. The island is now protected offering a safe haven for the wild life.

The history of these places just amazes me...

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