Thursday 26th April 2012
Heading out today to Kalbarri... a little town blessed with unique coastal, river gorge and marine landscapes, plus almost year-round sunny weather.
Beautiful clean swimming beaches sit beside awesome surf breaks, surrounded by towering sandstone cliffs, coastal reefs..... Dolphins and whales frequent the coastal fringes, and thanks to warm off-shore currents once again the fishing is excellent all throughout the year.
While here we visited the doctors...John has been suffering from a throat infection for a week now, so we decided to go to the doctors to see if he needed medication...While there I spoke to the doctor of my on going problem of my tummy expanding out making me look about 9 months pregnant.. Hummmmm....I have suffered from it for the past 12 months or so.. it usually comes up late afternoon and gone down by the morning...but it has been up now for 3 days..the doctor was quite concerned and advised me to go back to Geraldton for CT Scans.(Kalbarri too small for major things) and he ordered several blood tests...I was reluctant to go back 160km to Geraldton as I didn't think anything would be found..but both John and the doctor insisted...
Friday 27th April 2012
We went to Geraldton the next day as I was fitted in as an urgent patient... we went the coast road which was a very pleasant drive...had the scans etc and on the way back decided to make a day of it and check out the lookouts on the way back..they were amazing... Here the wind, waves and salt spray from the Indian Ocean have helped carve a remarkable coastal landform.
The steep cliffs of layered rocks that rise from the sea are made of 480 million year old Tumblagooda Sandstone. These were deposited as layers of sand and silt by rivers and on tidal flats.
The riddly white rocks that form the upper part of these cliffs are made of the much younger Tamala Limestone. This was deposited during the last 2 million years as wind blown sand dunes that were later converted to limestone.
Natural Bridge
It was starting to get late and the sun was setting making the views even more delightful, and the sun on the rocks making them more red...
And of course everywhere you looked little heads started to pop up as dusk approached...
And of course the day could not be finished until I got my sunset....
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