2nd July 2012 Florence Falls & Bluey Rock Hole

Today we decided to go check out the places we missed on Saturday about 30 kms into the park.. First stop was Florence Falls...what a magic place...we first went to the lookout at the top of the falls where we saw two beautiful waterfalls cascading down into a deep water hole at the bottom...

Then we took the 135 steps down to the bottom of the falls ...

It was packed with tourist all enjoying the rock stepping to get a better view of the falls ... Many people were swimming in the deep waterhole which was crystal clear...

 We found ourselves a rock and just sat and enjoyed the whole thing....

After a while we headed back upto the top only this time we took the 1 km Shady Creek walk through the bush to avoid climbing back up the 135 steps....and again another magic place...walking through the dense Forrest and all the way through was a small running creek with little waterfalls every few meters...just an awesome place...

At the top we had lunch then headed to the next very popular spot the Bluey Rockhole... The car park wasn't very big and a sign said if you can not find a parking spot it means the Rockhole is full.... come back another day....Well lucky for us we just got there when someone was leaving... And just a short walk brought us to this wonderful place with lots of little water falls running down the side of the mountain..

We were able to just walk up the side of them and choose where we wanted to swim...it was just awesome... People everywhere.. All enjoying this magical place...

Didn't take us long to make our minds up to go for a dip...

These outings  made up for the lack of stuff back at camp...I'm glad we got the chance to experience them...plus a bonus we met some nice people at the park especially Lorraine & Terry from Tasmania and we had some nice happy hours.. Surrounded by mossie coils mind you... And lots of Bushman's repellant on...

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