Staircase to the moon

The natural phenomenon of the Staircase to the Moon occurs when the full moon rises over the exposed mudflats of  Roebuck Bay at extremely low tide creating the optical illusion of a staircase reaching for the moon.

This occurs three nights each month from March to October. Lucky for us we happen to be in Broome to experience this...and I'm sorry to say that the photos DO NOT do it justice you have to be there to experience the true wonder of this event.
It's a big occasion up here in Broome and many travellers come to Broome just to see the Staircase to the moon..we viewed it 2 nights in a row... the first one we experienced it from Roebuck Bay itself...they even put on a night markets, to accommodate the many people coming and hot food is in abundance.. 

Literally 1000's of people line the foreshore of the mudflats.. bring their chairs and blankets etc and make a real night of it... and then you sit/stand etc and wait for that moment and the red glow of the moon starting to's just magic...

I took over 50 shots of the occasion these are the best ones....

The second night... we did it the "posh way" instead of having to stand up on the side of a hill and wait for ages...this time we went to Mangrove Resort ....and at the back of the resort is a restaurant where you can dine under the stars..they also had a live band entertaining us...while we had a beautiful dinner ... glass of wine...on a balmy night waiting for the event to happen again..

At the exact time that the moon was starting to rise they turned all the lights out and it was totally dark to get the right effect..everyone was totally silent waiting... and then to top it off they started to play the didgeridoo... it was an awesome atmosphere.. if you can picture it... and then the moon once again started to rise above the mudflats...

A great night...

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