Thursday 8th March - Friday 9th March - 10th March 2012

Thursday 8th March 2012

Today was a bit cool so we hung around and got a few chores done...met up with a few people in the camp next to us all with big we all had a chat and compared trailers etc....

After lunch John spotted dolphins just off the beach... so I quickly picked up my camera and rushed across the road to see if I could get some good shots... but they were too quick for me...

A cruise ship is in the harbour opposite a few more people in town today...

Friday 9th March 2012

Had a nice sleep in...everybody has the same idea today ... all the men are up on the roofs of the trailers cleaning them...including John...he washed the whole trailer today trying to get rid of the red dust from the Nullarbor...

Later he dropped me off at the shops while he went, hunting for some stuff he needs...

Nice relaxing day....

Saturday 10th March 2012

Today we went looking at SCOOTERS !!! we have decided to buy one just to run around the local area in...instead of having to take the truck out every time... we need something from the shop etc..we are only getting a small 50 cc one...the slower the better for me :) We found a couple now we just have to decided which one....

We also had a look around the local port area ... it was a hot day today and lots of the younger people were enjoying a nice cool swim...I noticed they were all aboriginal too... may have been an excursion of some was obviously a safe area, as the council have provided a slippery slide for them too...

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