13th-14th- 15th-16th-17th March 2012

Tuesday 13th March 2012

Was really cold today and raining such a big change from yesterday...didn't do too much...But we did go out looking at scooters again...and we bought one .... A black one ...It's lovely...

We had to go back later this afternoon, to pick it up after it had been registered etc... 

Everyone gathered around when we came back with it...John had a little ride on it up and down,and I had a go too I wasn't as confident as John...

We have met up with a really nice bunch of people while stay at Esperance...and they have all been very helpful...

We all have big rigs... So we were all put together on the front of the park...we have all been here for nearly two weeks so we have really got to know each other..it really makes for a nice time in the park when you have a group of people that all get along.

Wednesday 14th March 2012

John had to sort out the tyre stuff today...and run around trying to get a new one for the spare, which we had to order in ...it will be here on Friday.

John took the scooter out for a ride to get used to it... He came back very pleased with himself ..saying he can handle it no problems...

A guy came around after lunch and measured up for a rack we want made up for the back of the truck for the scooter to sit in... We are lucky he said he could have it done for us before Friday...

We have done so much since we arrived in Esperance.. It will have fond memories for us..

Thursday 15th March 2012

Stayed in again today... John cleaned all the windows etc ...I did washing in between chatting here and there with our neighbors..the day flies by....

Did some shopping...and that was it...

Had happy hour with our friends... I was saying how I would love to be able to make scones and Terri said "they are easy to make" and she suggested I come over to her trailer and she will show me tomorrow how it's done... So I'm looking forward to that..

I spent sometime looking on eBay for a lady bug sticker I want to put on the back of my helmet... But the one I liked was too big...

During happy hour I was telling Geoff (Terri 's husband the sign writer) about the sticker he said he could make me one up if I showed him what I wanted... So I was very excited about that..

Friday 16th March 2012

John had to take the truck to the engineer place to get our rack fitted for the scooter, they did a good job of it, scooter very safe now... 

He also picked up our new tyre that had to be ordered in...Cost $400 thank goodness we didn't have to pay for it...

At midday I went for my first maiden voyage as a passenger on the scooter....it was good fun and John handles it well... I have still not attempted again to ride it yet but I will....

One of the group left today... they are heading up to Kalgoorlie...

David & Caroline

As promised last night.... Terri gave me a lesson today on how to cook scones...which she says is EASY !! And she wasn't kidding ... She went through the process...and then we had afternoon tea with all our friends... To taste them ... They were yummy !!! We had fresh cream and yummy jam to go with them.... 

Tomorrow it's my turn... Terri is coming to my kitchen to watch me cook a batch.... Plus she is going to show me how to make rice pudding...

Geoff copied the emblem that I wanted on my helmet, and he made up a sticker for me !!!!

Happy hour we all met again for drinks before retiring to our own homes to cook dinner...

Saturday 17th March 2012

Even though we are away from things and all you people back home think its one big holiday... its not.. its still like being at home and running a household... same chores.. cleaning bathrooms, washing windows, changing sheets on bed...ironing... always some house work to be done....

So after chores done it was my turn to cook scones.... Terri came over and I had a great time... and the end results were just amazing... I was so proud of myself... after the scones I cooked Custard Rice Pudding...yummy !!!

So once again we had afternoon tea ... only with my scones this time.. !!!!

While I was baking John went over to the beach and watched the Yacht's racing... perfect day for it today as it was so windy...

And to finish a perfect day off Geoff finished my emblem on my helmet....

Sunday 18th March 2012

Just a packing up day today...as we hit the road tomorrow heading to Albany..

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