Wednesday 4th April 2012...Yallingup Shearing Shed

Today we went out to the Yallingup Shearing Shed, to watch sheep being sheared and the working dogs bring them in..

We got there early so we had a nice browse around  the large wool shop full of Australian made wool products - clothing, toys, scarves etc...

They have 5 live shows a week displaying first hand, the amazing experience of shearing, the shearer was very informative and very good with the children and included them in all the  activities ... this boy had to hold this very calm sheep for ages till he complained his back hurt !!!l lol the sheep was falling asleep.. they are so gentle...

The shearer demonstrated how to shear the sheep... he made it look so easy....

 All this off one sheep

Once done he collected the wool and threw it over a bench and it was amazing just how much came off the one sheep...

Then we were all ushered outside to watch the dogs do their work... It was great to see the famous sheepdogs in action mustering and working the sheep .... Bruce the Collie was so quick off the mark that he had the sheep in the pen before we could blink an eye... and Lawson the Kelpie could hardly wait to get them sorted and moved along ..

Then back inside again and to all the children's delight and adult's too...the highlight of the show... we now got to bottle feed the baby lambs and even the tiny ones only 6 days old... so cute

Very enjoyable show and well worth the visit...

On the way home  we stopped off at Clancy's Fish Pub where we had salt and pepper squid  with salad and chips for lunch and a cold beer...

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