27th October 2012

Well here we are at our second week at Cottontree Caravan Park....The good news is that we are having lovely weather, and we are in a great spot beach one side shops etc on the other all in very close proximity...

The bad news is we still have not got the truck back it will be 2 weeks on Monday we have been without wheels, except the scooter, but we don't go too far on that....

You realise how stranded you are when I had a complication with my surgery last Sunday, my breast swelled up and was quite painful and we had to once again rely on my brother to pick me up and take me to hospital..where I was admitted for the day and after scans they found I had developed Seroma and the breast tissue was leaking fluid..They had to aspirate the fluid out ( not very pleasant sticking needles in a somewhat very sore wound ) they took 100 mls out of fluid ....which relieved the pain thank goodness, then i was allowed to go home...

They are expecting we will get the truck back on Monday so fingers crossed, they informed us that the parts alone were up in the $5000 mark that's before labour is added on... so goodness knows what the bill will be...

And I'm not out of the woods yet... seems my breast is swelling again and more pain....looks like another trip back to the hospital.

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