6th - 7th September - Hamilton Island

Up bright and early today as we are going over to Hamilton Island .... My girls Mychele Sharon and Jenna are arriving today for a 4 day holiday and we decided to go over and share 2 days with them...So I was very excited to see my girls...

We caught the ferry from Shute Harbour and it was rather choppy going over... the waters was splashing high up the side of the ferry...

Arriving at Hamilton we were able to check in straight away to our bungalow which was lovely, didn't take John long to settle in relaxing on hammock watching football ...

We hired a buggy and went down to the airport to meet the girls....

The girls were in the bungalow next to us.. once settled we went for a buggy ride around the island and stopped in town for lunch...

Relaxed around the pool before going out for dinner...

Jenna having an alone moment !

Mychele had fun comparing the colour of our legs... guess which one is mine...

We had fun time in the shops looking for a new hat for Mychele....

Mychele and I took the buggy up to "One Tree Hill" to catch some sunset shots... the place was packed ... they now serve cocktails up there while you wait for the famous Hamilton sunset...

We had dinner at the Marina

The next morning John and I went for a drive around again before returning  the buggy...

We all went for breakfast and then John and I checked out of the Bungalow and after relaxing around the pool for a little while we said our goodbyes to the girls and headed back to the main land.

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